Visitors and interested parties welcome!
Meetings are an excellent way to spend the third Saturday of your month. Come join us and enjoy some snacks while watching an expert give a live Bonsai demonstration. Don't forget to grab some raffle tickets for your chance to win the demonstration tree or one of the other prizes available. Meetings are also great opportunities to pick up new trees as the club frequently holds tree sales and auctions. Looking to reduce your tree collection? No problem, we can help with that too!
Meetings are at:
Live Oak Grange Hall
1900 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m
Special Notes:
In 2024, the July meeting is our club's Garden Tour spectacular. Three member gardens are chosen to visit with the last garden serving as the place to have a potluck lunch. This is an opportunity for members to see how other members display their trees as well as for members to get inspirational ideas regarding gardening in general.
December’s meeting is our Annual Holiday Brunch followed by Live and Silent Auctions. Members and invited local clubs bring bonsai related items to auction off to interested parties. It’s a great opportunity to thin out your collection and to pick up some incredible bargains to fill out your bonsai collection.

Become a member and join us at our monthly workshops. Held on the second Wednesday of the month, bring your tools and tree to get practical hands on experience in the art of Bonsai.
Workshops are at:
Aptos Grange Hall
2555 Mar Vista Drive
Aptos, CA 95003