February 19 @ 9:00 am – February 20 @ 3:00 pm
Annual Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt Mammoth Auction & Sale will be held on Saturday, February 19 and Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 666 Bellevue Ave., Lakeside Park Garden Center in Oakland, CA. You are invited to the biggest auction and sale of bonsai, pre-bonsai, pots, books, stands, and related material. A Mammoth fundraiser with all proceeds going to support the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt.
Saturday auction preview starts at 12:00 p.m. with auction starting at 1:00 p.m.
Sunday sale from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., large showing of vendors, plant sales, and much more.
Purchase your bonsai needs. For further information, contact George Haas at gwhaas@comcast.net or stay tuned to BGLM Website.